
楼主 |
发表于 2016-3-9 17:47:58
1. AI gets more aggressive as it gets smarter.
I figured AlphaGo would become more aggressive than it was before, and I was right. Top AI, when it is superior to humans, is typically far more aggressive than the humans are.
The only reason humans ever have to be cautious is if we can't figure out whether or not the risk will be fatal. The nature of greater intelligence, though, is the ability to figure out when taking a risk *will* pay off. Top AI will steadily seem more and more precisely aggressive, doing things we are too scared to even consider, but the AI will figure out that it works out.
2. AI also doesn't have fear. We humans only have one life, so we have a perpetual and extreme bias towards fear and caution.
We humans are far too cautious in 99.99% of situations. But we have to be cautious and not take all those opportunities we could be taking, because on every 10,000th opportunity, it would kill us if we tried to take it.
That is the whole basis for fear, e.g. "Better safe than sorry". And if you really dig deep down into it, almost everything we do and rationalize as being due to other motivations, is really at its root motivated by fear. We just don't like being reminded all the time of just how much we are ruled by fear and the limits of our intelligence, so we come up with other explanations for what we do- our rationalizations.
AI, in the abstract world in which it lives, cannot die. This is actually the biggest underlying reason for why it can learn so quickly; it has no fear, and no ego.
3. We are going to be ritually humiliated, over and over and over again, with one experience after another of learning just how stupid all of us humans are.
(Although at least the benefit to this humiliation will be that AI will be able to do things for us, and teach us things, which we never could have done ourselves. It's worth it, even if our egos have to take a hit!)
This was also why I figured humans were overestimating Lee Sedol's chances of beating Alpha Go. As an Othello player, I'm used to losing to AI. Go players have not had those thousands of experiences in seeing that AI can be smarter than our puny human brains. Top Go players' brains aren't much more talented than top Chess or Othello players (I don't think), it just took longer to figure out how to adapt AI to the game of Go.
Most humans are arrogant about what humans can do. We're so used to being the best, we don't fully realize how frail and stupid we really are.
(As a side note, try to think about everything you know, which you did not learn from other human being, or which wasn't a simple step beyond what you had learned from other human beings. In the absence of all the knowledge other humans possess- which is our real wellspring of genius- we are phenomenally ignorant.
Without the knowledge of other humans, we could not be smarter than the typical feral human raised by wild animals- which is incredibly stupid. I try to remember this every time I'm trying to learn something new, that my natural intelligence isn't any greater than that of a feral human, so I shouldn't expect myself to start out beyond the feral ignorant state.)