



世界锦标赛(WOC)& 世界杯(OWC)资讯

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发布时间: 2014-1-2 12:35


本帖最后由 crystal 于 2014-2-6 23:20 编辑 The World Othello Federation is very positive that Japan Othello Association have decided to accept Mr. Takanashi and Mr. Okamoto as World Othello Champion ...


匠-奕语 发表于 2014-1-18 13:00:27
crystal 发表于 2014-1-2 12:36
Dear all Othello-players,

2013 is soon history, and I hope you all have had a good Othello-year. Th ...

crystal 发表于 2014-1-8 22:48:45
Benkt 的回复:

Yes, it was 7 federations who asked for WOC 2014, and it is now only 2 proposals left to study and discuss. We hope we will be able to get answers in end of January.


crystal 发表于 2014-1-8 10:23:36
We hope we can in end of January tell you all where W.O.C. 2014 will be held.


Seven possible hosts have been two.


* Benkt的英文不怎么好。估计他的意思应该是之前找到了7可能性的主办国,后来就只剩最有可能性的2个了。
crystal 发表于 2014-1-8 10:08:50
Hi all!

First I want to wish you all a great New Year! 2014 will be a very interesting year! That I can promise you all
W.O.F. is now working hard to plan for the future. We hope we can in end of January tell you all where W.O.C. 2014 will be held. Seven possible hosts have been two.
January is a busy month for W.O.F. council. We hope we will have a lot of good news to tell you all in the end of this month!! Othelo can be real real fun! We see a great future for our game!

Now a challenge to you guys!

This group have 743 members who love the Othello game! Is it possible that we in end of January can be over 1000 members? What do you say? Invite your friends who like Othello!
Also WOF World Othello Championship. It have 352 likes. Can we be over 500?
More we are, more fun!!

Hope you all feel as we that this can be a great Othello year!

Benkt Steentoft
Event and Tournament manager W.O.F.

来源:世界黑白棋联盟(Facebook 脸书)群

屌丝网站而已 发表于 2014-1-6 12:25:36
crystal 发表于 2014-1-6 12:11
他们没提。应该会保留  世界锦标赛(WOC)吧。赛制得看了。

屌丝网站而已 发表于 2014-1-6 11:28:56
crystal 发表于 2014-1-6 10:48:57
本帖最后由 crystal 于 2014-1-6 12:12 编辑
ariesmu 发表于 2014-1-6 10:24


ariesmu 发表于 2014-1-6 10:28:43
dragoniye 发表于 2014-1-5 23:37
还是 Megahouse 和Anjar   以前赞助世锦赛的,没得到什么实际好处, 还不如另起炉灶,办个世界 ...


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